CORPSE BRIDE a winner! One reason this animated movie is a box office hit is that many people love to scare themselves or worse enjoy the macabe. GRAVEYARD TOURS are highly popular around the world. Everyone has their own reasons for visiting them. Great Britain has always been popular due to the historical documentation and characters throughout history. Other country's do well too. Even America has caught on. PEOPLE LOVE GRAVEYARDS! Chicago Graves of Note
AND if you really want to just scare yourself silly with horror and fear check into NOW if this keeps you awake all night don't blame TRAVELSAPIEN. Heck just being the messenger here.
FOR FUN take in the CORPSE BRIDE and check the URL on the photo INTRO. Just a great laugh, light hearted animated look at the odd and bizarre. Fun. To those Tourists that are looking for GRAVEYARDS around the world the opportunities are as varied as fine beaches. TRAVELSAPIEN is sticking to beaches. Yikes!