Sunday, August 22, 2010


What Traveller has not dreamed of an adventure in Timbuktu? How many actually have ever made the trek? Then again why would you really make the trek? A Siren's call indeed. Check out an admirable account of one seasoned traveller's journal - A Must Read - Rick Antonson's To Timbuktu For A Haircut. " I left Africa personally changed by the gentle harshness I found and a disquieting splendour that found me. Mali was the journey I needed, if not the one I envisioned. And I learned that there's a little of Timbuktu in every traveller:The over-anticipated experience, the clash of dreams with reality." Get reading and start right here!
Available at your favorite book vendors now. YES - The book is available on Amazon too. If only all of us could articulate and write so well. Joyous. Both funfilled, anxious and definitely an experience to come home with and share in print. You too might make this journey only to never return. Take "To Timbuktu for a Haircut" with you. You will just want too.