Monday, December 27, 2004


Walking tours of Switzerland. Well okay. Let's say walking tours of Europe or for that matter anywhere you wish. Unfortunately walking tours do not make me jump other than the odd trip around the mall. Still the growing number of modern day travelers are taking advantage of this "Soft Adventure" way to see the world. Nothing wrong with that, but where do you walk? Europe has always been active with young energetic souls seeking the meaning of life. Most travelers can recall their youthful exploits when breaking out of their rebelious youth. Now it is about enjoying up close and personal from a new perspective. Not only a great way to keep fit but a great way to meet people and experience the thrill of hands on opportunity. Seeing the world on foot is a growing trend for environmentally conscience and those wishing to only take memories home. Where to start? TRAVELSAPIEN does not endorse but does suggest just a sampling URL or two where you can get started. Try these if Europe is your first choice. and
Trust you will find a new horizon on travel with walking the globe.