Saturday, January 08, 2005


Europe Canals & Rivers - U-DRIVE! Europe offers so many reasons to re-visit. Enjoy a different perspective of Country's you may have already been too. If it is a first time the experience is a good way to feel the spirit of exploration. The country's that have canals & rivers to explore, open new vistas to the traveler looking to be the "Master of their journey", and "Captain of their soul". It's easy and definitely coffee table discussion.

My Captain. My Captain. France, Holland, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Scotland, England, other countries as well, over the Atlantic ocean in the USA too. Self driven canal barges and river cruisers open up leisure holidays to almost anyone with a spirit of personal adventure. Dreams of navigating and relaxing along the waterways, taking in stops when wished, exploring villages, towns and cities along the way, or tying up along with fellow boaters to enjoy an evening on the water. You can wear the title "Captain" with conviction.

Taking the family makes this travel venture affordable and fun. In many areas if you are unsure of your water skills the pace is so relaxed you can simply bump your way down the meandering roadways of water. Not too hard mind you. TRAVELSAPIEN certainly recommends the experience. There are many opportunities offered and TRAVELSAPIEN points to one URL where good solid information and a company that has been around some 29 years can be of great assistance. Bell Tours, a first class reputation, out of Canada represents Europe Canal and River Self Driven Holidays with an excellent selection of barges and cruisers throughout Europe and the USA.